Thursday, 31 December 2015

All You Need to Know about Hearing Tests & Their Usability

Having difficulty in assessing your hearing ability all by yourself? Don't worry; hearing tests are just the thing for you. With over three million people taking these tests every year, they have grown to be more and more abundant with the result that they now are within reach to every individual who wishes to gauge his/her hearing prowess and determine finally any hidden problems.

Importance of hearing tests

In any particular scenario, hearing tests are performed for two major reasons:

•    As a standard routine procedure of the baby's developmental tests. Soon after birth, babies are subjected to a plethora of tests to assess their health status, the hearing test being just one of them.
•    To address the complaint of a person who is experiencing consistent hearing inability or in general, suffers from a hearing loss.

In order to ensure premium patient satisfaction, it is highly important that hearing tests be carried out, so that the correct form of treatment and support can be provided instantly.

What all happens in a hearing test?

Although your general physician or nurse is more than capable of examining your ears accurately for a hearing loss, in all possibility, you will be asked to refer to an ENT specialist for this purpose. A couple of tests are employed to check exactly how well one's ears can detect varying frequencies of sound.

All the different hearing tests for adults and children are totally painless and deliver quick results. For individuals who prefer a free online hearing test, U.S is brimming with facilities for the same.
Free Hearing Test
Basic hearing tests are summarized here below. Check these out:

•    Automated Otoacoustic Emissions Tests (AOAE)- In this type, a computer is attached to the ear piece that plays click-click noises and also measures response from one's ears.

•    Automated Auditory Brain Stem Response (AABR): Here, sensors placed on head as well as neck are used to detect out flowing response to the sound emitted from headphones.

•    Pure Tone Audiometry Tests: Sounds of various volumes, tones and frequencies are played through headphones and the patient is required to press a button upon hearing each sound.

•    Bone conduction test: In this test, a noise emitting, vibrating sensor lodged behind one's ear presses upon the bone and in this way, tests the functioning of the hearing nerves.
Hearing Loss Kentucky
Better Hearing Centers are eminent and well-established identification centers for hearing loss. They have years of experience and expertise in liaising with patients suffering from a hearing problem. To address hearing loss, Kentucky has no better option than these centers. With their technically supreme hearing aides and thoughtful counsel; they are the perfect answer to the mind-numbing problem of hearing loss. Log in to to know more.

Friday, 18 December 2015

Steps for Early Detection of Hearing Insufficiency in Children

Birds chirping… The sound of gushing water… The irritating horns of vehicles…All these can be enjoyed if and only if the person can hear. One of the most sensitive parts of human body, the ear helps one to listen to sounds in the audible range. A normal human being can hear sounds ranging from 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz where Hertz is the unit measure of sound. Medical professionals say that hearing deficiencies can be detected at a very early stage if one knows how to suspect the problem. Doctors suggest plenty of tips and tests to test new born babies for hearing impairments. Medical science has advanced to the level where there are free online hearing Test US through which one can identify how effectively their ears work. Here are some simple and easy tests that will help anyone to measure their hearing capacity.

Thud and Bang test
This test will help to check if months old babies can hear properly.  The new born react to sound by twitching their head in the direction of noise. Parents can try to snap, thud or bang lightly next to the ear to check if the child responds to stimulus. This test is even done by pediatrician when they do regular checkups on the child. The most important factor that one has to remember is that the new born is sensitive to heavy noise hence one has to be mild while snapping or banging.
Better Hearing Centers - Team
Audiometry tests
Audiometry is a series of prescribed tests that helps to identify the hearing capacity of both ears. Each ear is isolated when the other is subjected to the test. This way one can measure how much can they hear, how much the brain can decipher and in total how much is their outer ear functioning. These tests can be conducted with the help of an audiologist who tests the response of brain and otoacoustic emissions.

Speech testing
Many a times, speech impairment and hearing deficiency are connected with each other. By measuring the speech reception threshold, an audiologist confirms the basic audiometry test results. He makes the subject to repeat faintly heard word and tries to measure the word recognizance ability. This test can be conducted in noisy or silent environment.

Pure tone testing
Pure tone testing refers to the series of tests that helps to determine the faintest tone one can hear at different pitches. When kids do not co-operate for this tests as it requires them to wear an ear phone, sound booths are built with special acoustics that helps in sound field screening. Unilateral hearing loss where one of the ear's hearing capacity is disturbed can be easily identified in these tests. The subject has to respond to sounds by raising fingers, pressing a button or by saying yes or no.

Testing middle ear
Sometimes, the patient could have a problem with the middle ear where acoustic reflexes are dealt with. This is the best test to identify hearing impairment in pre-schoolers. There are three different tests in this section which measures the fluid level in middle ear, the functioning of ear drum or even the presence of any infection in the drum. The test results suggest the requirement of follow up, medical intervention, suggestive usage of hearing aids Kentucky, hearing rehabilitation requirement etc.

Hearing aids Bowling Green KY
With audiologists to help, hearing deficiencies can be dealt with confidence and mental strength. Better hearing centers is the best place in and around Kentucky where one can subscribe to hearing aids and other receivers which make them feel secured and happy. The proprietors have introduced innovative online audiometry tests with which one can identify hearing impairments at a very nascent state. Visit the following website for more information.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Fantastic Four Tips to Nourish and Cherish Your Audibility

“Are you deaf? Can't you hear what I Say”- this is the regular dialogue exchange between mother and child during the busy morning hours. Seriously, parents get paranoid when their children do not respond to their query but stay glued to the television. Rather than getting angry and lashing out at them, it is time for parents to do some reality check. Young children are not just young at heart, but their eyes, ears and brains are tender. Excessive loud hearing, watching TV continuously may damage their visual and auditory nerves. Hence it is advisable to check their ability to identify faint sounds at different pitches. Not just testing the ears for safety through free online hearing test US, prevention from excessive damage is also mandatory. Here are four tips to take care of one's ears right from childhood and stay blessed for years to come:

Hearing Loss Kentucky
 Use ear plugs
Be it the sounds of crackers or a noisy take off of a plane, it is always safe to use ear plugs to screen the inner ear from receiving excessive noise. The risk of damaging one's ear depends on the loudness and duration of the noise. Hence ear plugs are perfect choice for one to stay safe.

Reduce exposure time
Heavy exposure to high decibel noise is not bad if the exposure time is limited. Hence one has to assure that they listen to TV or radio with volume boosters on for a limited duration. This will keep them safe and also away from collateral damage.

Reduce ear phone volumes
Addicted to hearing loud music? The minutes of adrenaline rush does not do any good as it will damage one's ears upon continuous usage. Hence it is better to stay off and remain healthy for life time. Those who require head phones badly can use them in intervals but with reduced noise levels so that their ears stay protected.

Wear ear protectors at noisy work place
Those who work in industry set up where high noise cannot be avoided, can try to protect their ears by wearing ear protectors. This helps them to stay safe and protected through out. Also these protectors do not prevent them from hearing regular sounds and voice of people around.

Apart from these steps, one has to constantly remind themselves that ears are sensitive organs and hence they should not poke it with hard substances like pencils or pins to clean the wax. This may cause a permanent damage to the ear drum and probable hearing loss. The Better Hearing Centers, Inc. is a hearing loss Kentucky identification center that works closely with patients who report of hearing deficiency. They deal and supply hearing aids, and other accessories required for people to correct their hearing disability. Being in this business for quite some time, they know what patients need and supply with love and care. They ensure to give a better listening experience with their advance hearing aid devices.