Thursday, 28 April 2016

Solutions for Hearing Loss Kentucky

Sudden or chronic hearing loss can be a source of much discomfort and grief for people. It results in not being able to enjoy life to the fullest. It also results in loss of communication with loved ones, or at least not being able to communicate as effortlessly and enjoyably as before. Whether the hearing loss has been sudden or has been developing over a longer period of time, help is at hand with Hearing Aids in bowling green. Better Hearing Centre is a reputed and trusted center of hearing aid professionals that have been helping people with hearing loss in Kentucky for many years now.

The center has several features that have helped thousands of people in managing their problem of hearing loss as well as prevent it. The professionals in this center make it easy to monitor and look after your hearing health with their annual hearing screenings. These are easy to schedule, easy to take, and complimentary. They also provide free online hearing tests so that you can get a better idea of your hearing levels in the convenience of your own home. So when you decide to take an appointment at the center, you are better equipped to take a decision regarding the need for a hearing aid and which one to choose for your unique requirements.

Different types of Hearing Aids:
·         CIC or mini CIC, which means ‘completely in the canal’:
This is least visible because of its small size. They may have a shorter life for their batteries and may not have extra features but are less likely to pick up external wind noises.

·         ITC, or ‘in the canal’:
These are slightly larger than CIC but still smaller than others and may have features not available in the CIC models.

·         ITE, or ‘in the ear’:
These are larger in size, so will have larger batteries that give it a longer life. They are also easier to handle and have more features than the previous two, but may pick up wind noise.

·         BTE, or ‘behind the ear’:
These can amplify sound more than other types, are larger, but can pick up more wind noise as well.

·         RIC or ‘receiver in canal’:
Its portion behind the ear is not as visible as the BTE model.

·         Open fit is like the BTE, but with a thin tube:
It makes the wearer’s sound more pleasant and is less visible than others but can be difficult to manage because of its small size.

Choosing the right hearing aid for your unique requirements can be made easier with the help of the trained and professional hearing specialists at this center in Bowling Green. With so many varieties and styles available in a wide range of prices, you are sure to find one that is perfect for you!

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Managing Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a common phenomenon among people these days. Not everyone is affected by this particular condition but for few this problem is considered to be big. At a point of time, people generally do not realise that they are partially losing their ability to hear and they start to think that things around them are changing. In order to help people to realise that they might have lost or might be on the verge of losing their hearing, free online hearing tests in US have been introduced.

Reasons for losing the ability to hear
Hearing loss is not just caused by old age but it surely does have few other causes to it. Generally we can say that, any small or big accident can leave the person deprived of his ability to hear. This may be either partial deafness or complete deafness. Some of the common reasons that can lead to loss of hearing include,

•    The onset of some disease or some form of fever
•    Loss of hearing that is caused due to aging by the person
•    Hereditary factors that can be passed from one generation to the other
•    Playing loud music or due to the increase in noise levels in the living environment

Coping with hearing loss
People who have been facing this problem try to cope with this with the help of a hearing aid. Generally in few cases, doctors do not recommend the use of hearing aids if the person has a severe case of hearing loss that cannot be rectified by using any form of aid. Prior to getting a hearing aid, people are made to take up the free online hearing tests in US.

Free Online Hearing Test US
Hearing loss has been the 3rd most common problem faced by the people in US. Moreover, hearing loss in Kentucky is now being taken up seriously. The use of these online hearing tests is increasing in this place and has helped people to cope with hearing loss in the process. These tests help in identifying the people in need of help for coping with their problem. These well detailed tests have been able to identify people in the verge of losing their hearing and also people who have already lost their hearing. For people who have already lost their ability to hear, these tests helping in finding the right type of aid and also gives the doctors an idea if it can be cured.

Free online hearing tests, US

The online tests are presented to the people in the form of a questionnaire that asks them to describe their present condition with regards to their surroundings. With the responses that have been recorded, the system would be able to generate the result. These types of tests have surely helped in coping with hearing loss Kentucky.